Conflict, Reconstruction and Human Security (CRS)
Exiled Memories: The Collective memory of Indonesian 1965 exiles Master Thesis
Sipayung, Bambang Alfred
December 2011 -
Emergence of ‘the ethnic question’ in Nepal since 2006 Master Thesis
Deshar, Ramesh
December 2010 -
Striving to survive: human security of the Hijra of Pakistan Master Thesis
Hahm, Sonya Caroline
December 2010 -
Post-conflict reconstruction and participation in Indonesia: required conditions for empowerment and security Master Thesis
Rima, Irmayani
December 2010 -
The opinions and engagements of Thai diaspora in the Netherlands about political conflict in Thailand Master Thesis
Panchay, Pattamaporn
December 2010 -
Representations as interventions: framing HIV and Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in conflict Master Thesis
Mumford, Lauren Elizabeth
December 2010 -
At the crossroads of identity, belonging and the myth of return: a case study of Georgian Internally Displaced Persons of 1992-93 Master Thesis
Sulava, Ketevan
December 2010 -
Religious freedoms and attacks on minority rights in Bogor city, Indonesia Master Thesis
Hatumena, David Leonard
December 2010