The effect of natural language processing on the balance of stock market and sales performance: Moderating role of customer base size Master Thesis
Zheng, Kayen
July 2023 -
Political Embeddedness and Social Movements: Are all firms affected the same towards social change ? Evidence from the Black Lives Matter movement Master Thesis
Nguyen, Julia
July 2023 -
The Role of Motivation to Learn in The Empowering Leadership and Innovative Work Behavior Relationship Master Thesis
van den Broek, Kelly
July 2023 -
Can Board Composition Help Gazelles to Keep Sprinting? A quantitative study about the effect of board composition on financial performance in high-growth firms Master Thesis
Bannies, Carol
July 2023 -
How managerial risk-taking affects the past growth-high growth relationship of the firm Master Thesis
Kother, Jonas
July 2023 -
A sky full of stars: A qualitative study of how effective talent management drives new venture success Master Thesis
Steijaert, Isabelle
July 2023 -
The hybridity challenges during the innovation process Master Thesis
Luo, Elly
July 2023 -
How do high-growth SMEs attract new customers, while concurrently addressing customer retention challenges and opportunities? Master Thesis
Zwanikken, Tom
July 2023