This paper examines whether there is a person-organization fit for promotional systems. Two types of promotional systems are distinguished, the standard promotion and the up-or-out system. It was predicted that job seekers that are risk-seeking, confident, motivated, and energetic would have less aversion to the up-or-out system than other job seekers. Questionnaires were spread amongst students and recent graduates through social media and at Erasmus University Rotterdam, with a total of 143 respondents. On average, a 9% higher salary is required to prompt application for a firm with an up-or-out promotional system. Especially the level of energy seems to play an important role in preferences for this promotional system.

Dur, A.J.
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Smeenk, E. (2015, March 3). Personality and Organizational Fit with an Up-or-Out System. Business Economics. Retrieved from