Supplier selection at turbocharger manufacturer MEE A comparative case study Master Thesis
Hogenboom, K.
March 2012 -
The purchasing maturity model further explored How does the indirect purchasing function develop towards a higher maturity stage? Master Thesis
Loo, R.S. van
March 2012 -
March 2012
Inventory allocation at Coolblue Inventory allocation decisions for a multi-channel retailer Master Thesis
Jong, T. de
March 2012 -
Optimization of transportation flows through modal shifting Master Thesis
Poll, R.C. van de
March 2012 -
The influence of the regulatory focus on stock outs at XXX Which factors influence stock-outs in the XXX store, how can these predict the on-shelf availability, and is the regulatory focus of influence? Master Thesis
Ockhuijsen, S.
March 2012 -
Multi-criteria decision-making on the distribution alternatives of KLM catering service Master Thesis
Hoefsloot, F.H.M.
March 2012 -
Consolidation of activities from two plants Master Thesis
Persoon, C.M.M.
March 2012