Research on user-created content is increasing in order to understand the context of the information that is being produced. Most existing research of the topic rely on the analysis of user-created content characteristics. This thesis is a content analysis of a specific type of user-created content: fashion blogs (N= 243). This study aimed to explore a different area of user-created content studies. In this thesis, there is a focus on researching what are the motivations for fashion bloggers to produce and publish elaborated content material. The results of this research indicate that self-expression is the primary motivation for fashion bloggers to create and publish content. Moreover, fashion bloggers appear to be driven also for social relations and creativity motivations. Additionally, this thesis explored the characteristics of fashion bloggers, the reaction of fashion blogs’ immediate audience and the relation fashion blogs and bloggers have with the fashion media industry.

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Jansz, Prof.dr. J.
Media & Journalistiek
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Dominguez, M. (2011, August 31). Blogging is the new Black. Media & Journalistiek. Retrieved from