This study investigates the processes behind non-corporate videos from going viral. Specifically, the aim of this research is to determine if there are topics or characteristics that are likely to become more popular than others. Additionally, the sharing and finding of videos is examined. Focus groups, content analysis of popular videos and an online survey were used to collect this data. The results of this study found that videos featuring humor and talent are more likely to be popular than other topics. Furthermore, users are particular about the kinds of videos they share with others because of what these videos could communicate to others about the sharer. Most users considered themselves to be passive Youtube users, not in tune enough with popular culture to be the ones to introduce new videos to their social circle.

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Jansz, Prof.dr. J.
Media & Journalistiek
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Gutierrez, J.H.P.C. (2011, August 30). Viral Videos on YouTube. Media & Journalistiek. Retrieved from