Even though the estimated maximum sustainable yield of the Eritrean Red Sea water ranging from 40,000 – 80,500MT, actual fish catch level was only rarely exceeding 10,000MT. Expert in the area suggest a tenfold increase of the current production or a potential increase at least to the lower bound of the MSY is indispensable. Noting this gap, the study has attempted to investigate the determinants of fish catch levels in Eritrean artisanal fishery using cross-sectional household survey and qualitative data. Analysis of descriptive statistics, bi-variate, multivariate regression and the probit model were used to analyze the data. According to the results of the study, it was found out that the boat type, crew size, fishing experience, access to ice, and fisher’s household size were factors that significantly impacted and helped increase the catch levels. In contrast, access to credit facilities, non-fishing income and age of the fisher were found to be linked to reduced catch levels. The study also confirms that the available means of boat propulsion highly and significantly explicated fish catch, and consequently, in-board motorized engine fisheries catch more fish irrespective of the capture technology they employed. We also found that the type of boat is the most important factors in fishery production function. Subsequently, the study is indicative of the relevance of adoption and use of inboard engine fishery to boost scanty artisanal production. Consequently, a probit model was employed to pin down the determinants of adoption and use of inboard engine fishing technology. The results suggest, access to credit facilities, cooperative membership and operational costs were found to change the likelihood of adoption and use of better technology. Apparently loan facility and cooperatives societies were not efficient in enhancing the production capacity rather only obliging fishers to acquire better fishing vessels. Thus, it seems that alternative usages of these boats and operational credit are negatively affecting the artisanal fish production. In addition to the importance of adoption and use of inboard motorized fishing technologies, our paper is also indicative to direct and encourage the youth to engage in the sector, suggest efficient loan schemes based on clear understanding of the socio-economic conditions and better organized cooperatives to enhance current catch levels that maintains a higher yearly potential yield. Relevance to Development Studies Unlike many previous studies conducted, this study lent special attention to the use of quantitative data through incorporating qualitative aspect of the data. Various studies designated the use of qualitative data to investigate constraints of artisanal fisheries production more generally as opposed to quantitative and specific analysis in developing countries. The study fills the gap of little evidence in identifying the determinants of artisanal fish catch using various data analytical tools. It also points out the link between mechanization of better fishing boats on fish catch level as well as on its adoption and use among the artisanal fishers. Hence, it adds an alternative source of evidence in understanding the relationship of artisanal fishery development and its determinants/constraints, which is one of the most intractable challenges in developing countries.

, , , , , ,
Valk, de Peter
Economics of Development (ECD)
International Institute of Social Studies

Binyam Afewerk Demena. (2011, December 16). Determinants of Fish Catch Levels in Artisanal Fishing in Eritrea. Economics of Development (ECD). Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/2105/10590