Due to the change in the surroundings, in which word of mouth takes place, the phenomenon has increased in popularity and thereby relevance. Until recently few exploring research on micro level is conducted; the part of the individual in the word of mouth processes and the underlying motives to engage in word of mouth are yet to be examined. In this research The Diffusion theory and The Law of the Few theory are used to examine the word of mouth processes on micro level. The cultural product film was chosen to be examined. Film tends to cause a great deal of attention due to the character of the cultural product. Nineteen in-depth interviews were held with filmbloggers and filmblogreaders from all over the world using the Skype video chat option. Filmbloggers take a crucial part in the online processes in the way that they are both producer and consumer. Filmblogreaders or lurkers make up for the largest amount of internet users and therefore are interesting to examine. The individual showed to be a big influence in the word of mouth processes but this research also showed a different influential factor. The explanatory power of word of mouth largely consists of a combination of both factors.

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Verboord, Dr. M.N.M.
Media & Journalistiek
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Vloed, A.W. van der. (2011, August 31). He, pssst….. Media & Journalistiek. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/2105/10634