Mobility Management is referred to the policies and soft measures for the achievement of a more sustainable and efficient transport system. During the last few years many cities or even regions have started implementing transport policies based on Mobility Management for the modification of the transport system and the enjoyment of the benefits from the use of the alternative means of transport. Serres is a small city in the northern part of Greece that has also undertaken Mobility Management measures so as to promote cycling and hence to modify the travel behavior of the citizens and the image of the city. To this purpose, the city took part in the EU program that is called PIMMS TRANSFER, the target of which was the promotion of the cooperation between European cities and the exchange of good practices in the transport system. In this thesis the measures taken by the policy makers to promote cycling between the citizens are presented. Moreover, the whole transport system within the framework of which these measures are taken and the initiation of the side measures, are cited. Afterwards, the existent situation and in particular the transport system in the city is analyzed, through the examination of policy documents and interviews of the key policy makers for this reason. At the end, the future plans and strategies for further promotion of cycling and the bicycle use are presented, in combination with the examination of the international experience through systematic analysis of case studies.

, , ,
Mingardo, G.
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Giantssidis. (2011, December 15). Mobility Management in small and medium cities.. Business Economics. Retrieved from