Decentralisation policy in 1999 has transform Indonesia from one of the most decentralize countries in the world to one of the most decentralized countries in the world. The policy has brought many changes in the structure of governments in making decision and service deliveries. With the autonomy to make policies, the increase of transfer from central and transfer of government personnel to local employee, local actors now enjoy important roles to improve development in their region. However, the policy has not brought significant spaces for citizen to participate in making policy and exercise their control over government official. Analysing the practice of musrembang as institutional channel for citizen participation, the study finds that citizens are still excluded in decision making and informal process through personal relations and lobbies still dominance to make decision. Unclear legal frameworks of participatory method give incentive to local elites to monopolize decision making. Decentralisation also has not offer significant mechanism of downward accountability. Citizen participation in periodic elections was not able to increase government accountability and promote good leaders. In fact, elections have triggered corruption. The multiple interpretation of the law right to information, lack of spaces and capacity building to community based organisation contribute to weaken citizen overseeing role to increase local government accountability.

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Awortwi, Nicholas
Local Development Strategies (LDS)
International Institute of Social Studies

Simamora, Jusuf Rhoni. (2011, December 15). Decentralisation, Participation, Downward Accountability: The case of Indonesia. Local Development Strategies (LDS). Retrieved from