Social media has been making its way into the marketing strategies of many companies. Especially large companies have social media budgets and can expand their business online. However, non-profit organizations often do not have large media or marketing budgets and are not able to reach their target group online. This study has focused on how non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) can use social media to fulfil their advocacy goals. Advocacy is an important part of an NGO’s activities, because that is where citizens and politicians can be informed and influenced. After studying two case studies and interviewing several experts on the topic the conclusion is that social media can indeed be used for advocacy purposes. It is a back and forth process of providing information and trying to activate citizens and politicians for the intended cause.

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Leendertse, P.M.
Media & Journalistiek
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Velde, E.A. van de. (2011, August 31). Sociale Media in actie. Media & Journalistiek. Retrieved from