Media products are important carriers of culture. They provide users recognition and are used as identifiers. Especially films are unique cultural products: every image is created. The undivided attention films receive from viewers makes viewers even more receptive for a film message. Because of this social element films play an important role by imaging and constructing national culture. This study explores how Dutch films portrait the Dutch culture by comparing the culture presented in Dutch films from 1970 till 1980 and from 2000 till 2010. 10 films from both periods are used to perform a systematic quantifying content-analysis of the Dutch culture presented in Dutch films. The most notable results are investigated thoroughly by a qualitative content-analysis. The results show that there are similarities and differences between the Dutch culture presented in films from both periods. Some cultural characteristics seem so deeply rooted that they haven’t changed, where other cultural characteristics have disappeared. Most striking is that Dutch films in general hardly pay any attention to Dutch culture. In a time where national culture gets more and more important, this is something to be worried about. When Dutch filmmakers make use of their social role, they not only distinguish themselves from international competitors, but they can also contribute to more cohesion in society and clear away taboos.

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Krijnen, Dr. A.F.M.
Media & Journalistiek
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Al, J.S. (2011, August 31). Net als in de film. Media & Journalistiek. Retrieved from