Large cultural events have an enormous impact on the regional economy. Not only in terms of money, but there are also sociocultural, commercial, psychological and political effects. This thesis gives insight in the literature on large events and constructs an own definition of a large cultural event. Different positive and negative effects are investigated. Examples of negative effects are evictions, price increases and crowding out. Examples of positive effects are the improvement of image and location factors of the hosting region and events as a tool for urban regeneration. The division of Ritchie (1984) of the effects of large events into economic, tourist/commercial, physical, sociocultural, psychological and political effects is used in order to rank all effects. With an overview of methods applied in impact analysis this literature study is ended.

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Tuijl, E. van
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Prickaert, Ch. (2012, February 7). The impact of large cultural events on the regional economy.. Business Economics. Retrieved from