Many studies showed the relationship between large sport events and the organizing city, but what effect does amateur sport has on the economy of city districts? This question is important for municipalities to obtain subsidies. This study researched if there is a relation between sports participation and local economies. The variables that can influence the economy of a district are the liveability, the average disposable income, the number of new business start- ­‐ups, the unemployment rate and the number of high school dropouts. This research found a positive direct effect of sports on the average disposable income and a positive effect on the employment rate. But this is not enough to argue that a high sport participation rate has a large positive impact on the economy of a district. However, health does have a positive effect on the economy of a district. Because other research has shown the positive effect of sports on health, this research has proven that sport has a small positive effect on the economy of city districts, based on the five variables.

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Braun, E.
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Groothuis, I. (2012, February). You cannot win without losing.. Business Economics. Retrieved from