The Paper looks at the experiences ofwomen's workers in the Oriente Antioqueno Region (Colombia) and the impacts that their entrance to the cut flower export industry have had over their livelihoods. A code of conduct framed into a CSR initiative is taken as a case study to analyse its relevance in improving women workers conditions. To do this it looks at the global debate of Decent work labour standards and the entrance of global value chains. Moreover there is a link with the socio-political and cultural arena that shapes institutional regimes and local livelihoods. The paper finalizes with a discussion around the importance of including workers and other stakeholders representation in codes, to make them more responsive to local needs, contribute to social dialogue and enhance security of rural livelihoods.

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Pegler, Lee
Rural Livelihoods and Global Change (RLGC)
International Institute of Social Studies

D' Amato, Gina Maria. (2005, December 30). Women Workers Voice and Codes of Conduct in the Cut Flower Industry; The Case of the Oriente Antioquefio Region - Colombia. Rural Livelihoods and Global Change (RLGC). Retrieved from