This paper examines to what extent Gasperz and Ott's (1996) employability-paradox is effectively present within organizations that act in markets being liable to different economic developments. The main question that dominates within organizations is if wanting to act in a flexible way contradicts with investing in the development of employees. Is it true that when organizations offer flexible contracts as well as educational development opportunities, this makes sure that the connection with employees is influenced? In order to test this relation, this study uses three different variables: job insecurity, organizational commitment, and employability. The hypotheses are tested on a sample of 221 respondents that are active at an employment agency. One of the conclusions is that job insecurity has less influence on organizational commitment than appears from earlier studies to this relation. Furthermore, it is concluded that the increase in employability ensures a decrease in job insecurity. Moreover, this study has shown that the increase of the feeling of being employable ensures a decrease of organizational commitment. Overall, the empirical results show limited support for the assumption that job insecurity has impact on the employability-paradox.

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Bert Jetten, Ferry Koster
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Kasteel, E.C.J.M. van de. (2012, April 11). Binden of boeien? In hoeverre is de inzetbaarheid van professionals van invloed op de relatie baanonzekerheid en organisatiebetrokkenheid. Sociology. Retrieved from