This paper addresses the gender-based institutional arrangements in Vietnam's Textile and Garment enterprises and its impact on the well-being of female workers in the competitive context of globalization. I demonstrate how these arrangements are conditioned by forms of ownership - State and Private - which in turn have bearings on the specific objectives and goals set by firms. The notions of workers' well-being are perceived differently in SOEs and DPEs as the firms adopt different kinds of Corporate Strategy. Although firms of both types of ownerships express their concerns about the well-being of female workers, market pressures under severe competition force them to take different decisions that can adversely affect these concerns. A big gap between the well-being of female workers in SOEs and DPEs is found including the differences in income level and social security. Firms of both of types of ownership have yet to pay attention to the gender-based vulnerability faced by female workers such as: those living under co-habitation arrangement being subject to stigmatisation and gossip, the noxious working atmosphere, low-wages and work intensity. SOEs offer higher compensation with better security, but chances to work in this ownership are few as the number of SOEs is decreasingly rapidly due to obligatory Equitization Route scheduled to be completed in 2010. The paper concludes, in order to enhance the well being of female workers in TGI, conflicting interests of stake-holders must be resolved, requiring the involvement of different actors including state authority, social organs, enterprises and female workers themselves.

, , , , , , , , ,
Thanh-Dam Truong, Gasper, Des
Public Policy and Management (PPM)
International Institute of Social Studies

Duong Kim Anh. (2006, December). Forms Of Ownership, Institutional Arrangements And The Well-Being Of Female Workers (A Comparative Study Of Textile And Garment Enterprises In Vietnam). Public Policy and Management (PPM). Retrieved from