This paper investigates the location factors in the decision making process for constructing a football stadium in Rotterdam. Feyenoord wants a new football stadium and it is the question where to construct this football stadium. Therefore, a location analysis is required in order to find an optimal location for a football stadium in Rotterdam. It is important to analyse the location factors for sports stadiums. The location factors are supported by location theories, like the neoclassical theory, behavioural theory and the institutional theory. The neoclassical theory is seen as a benchmark while the empirical value of the behavioural theory is appreciated. The institutional theory regards the firm not as an active decision agent, but as a dependent agent who has to negotiate with its suppliers. The main location factors are those that influence attendance, income, and occupancy. Sports teams has to take into account the land costs, the market potential, the capacity of a sports stadium and the accessibility. Several urban structure models has been used as a theoretical background. The urban structure models show that there is no clear urban structure applicable for every city. The urban structure can be influenced by a governments policy like gentrification or greenbelt policy which can lead to higher land prices in those areas. In order to investigate the relocations of football stadiums, an analysis has been done about football stadiums constructed between 1995 and 2012. The results indicate that most of the football teams are moving away from the central city to the edge of the city. Proximity to a highway is preferred while a location in suburban areas is still rare. Stadion Feijenoord N.V. and Feyenoord Rotterdam N.V regard the renovation-variant and the Varkenoord-variant as the most plausible options for a new football stadium. A critical analysis for these locations has been done. Possible locations for a new football stadium are investigated regarding land prices, availability of land, and accessibility. Finally, recommendations are given to Stadion Feijenoord N.V. and Feyenoord Rotterdam N.V. They should expand their search area for a new football stadium and they should takeinto consideration possible location in Rotterdam-Noord and along the highways A15 and A16.