The importance of trade in the world economy is widely acknowledged. At the same time there exist many cooperation agreements on different levels and subjects, which in many cases focus on stimulating the economy. The Benelux Union is a strong example where both trade and cooperation play a major part. However, the link between the presence of cooperation agreements and trade is not straightforward, as both contain many different factors. This research will take a specific focus by analysing cooperation agreements within the Benelux region that involve the enhancement of transport, by e.g. the creation of infrastructure. In turn the impact of such agreements on the trade flows between two countries will be estimated where the hypothesis presumes a positive significant effect of cooperation on trade. The information that eventually will be assembled, will make it possible to analyse this question.

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Kuipers, B., Reeven, P. van
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Korstjens, L. (2012, September 18). Cooperation and trade the impact of bi- and multinational transport-focussed cooperation agreements on trade. Business Economics. Retrieved from