Great inequality and very harsh living conditions for the urban poor of the city of Bogotß are issues that need to be tackled in ways that may generate great impact to the well-being of these urban poor. Approaches need to be designed for the specific context and therefore, a good understanding of the actual situation is a requirement. Social relations play a big role in the collectivistic culture of Colombia and therefore, social capital is a concept that can be tackled in order to improve the well-being of the urban poor. First hand knowledge about the way social capital works in a poor setting is essential to make use of the opportunities and account for the possible hurdles. Informal horizontal social capital was found to have great relevance in the survival strategies of the inhabitants of the studied area. It was also found to be the most common form in which social capital is manifested. The stigmatisation of the area and the lack of trust in the public institutions from the inhabitants, have limited the vertical manifestations and therefore bridging social capital. Smaller scales such as the own street and the family show the greatest levels of social capital and are of great relevance for the people's survival. Larger scales present lower levels of trust for instance. The location and conditions of the neighbourhoods have given them particular rural characteristics and have constituted a world of their own for the inhabitants of the area. That has impacts on the social capital and on its possible development that could contribute to improving their conditions. Social control plays a big role in the daily lives of the people and in their interactions. Violence and insecurity, clientelist practices and the distance of the government have also affected the social capital of the area in different ways. Social capital has had great relevance for the development of the area in the past and has great relevance for the inhabitants in their survival and also in their psychological well-being currently.

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Blauw, W.
Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies

Jimonez, D. (2006, September 16). Social capital in a poor neighbourhood in a slum area of Bogotß : Case Study of the Neighbourhoods of Paraiso and Bella Flor in Ciudad Bolivar. Retrieved from