The following paper attempts to place as fairly as possible the discourse of the New Romanian Cinema within the context of film studies. We identified the common language in the contemporary cinematic landscape by referring to concepts such as nation cinema, nostalgia, road-movie and realism as social critique to address films as a socially relevant communication medium. Therefore our take was to depict and grasp films as powerful means for presenting a blueprint of society on the screen. In essence, having a good part of the work structured on topics/ideas/playwright solutions, we hope we’ll put an end to all the dilemmas concerning the cohesion and consistency of this new cinematic phenomenon. Debating about ways of socializing, death, the obsession of recent history, the relationship between parents and children, humor-drama, space-time, and with a special inclination towards the road movie, we suggest bringing them into proximity by making a direct reference to nostalgia. Moreover, we expect that our results will prove that the new cinematographic landscape is not a casual meeting on the same territory between distinctive artistic personalities. Thus, by the end of our investigation, we hope we will shed some light on cinema as a popular culture tool that constructs semiotic meanings to recent history fragments and offers the necessary means in which we can start a debate about cinema as being socially-relevant. The new cinematic approach works as cinéma vérité, reflecting the Romanian directors’ desire of addressing filmmaking as an entity which has both an artistic and documentary value, thus we can consider it as a feasible communication artifact.

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Media & Journalistiek
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Danescu, A.M. (2012, August 30). Nostalgia in contemporary romanian cinema. Media & Journalistiek. Retrieved from