The purpose of this research is to create more transparency regarding Art Investment Funds. Although many Art Investment Funds operate very differently from each other, a thorough research did allow for formulating two models on common features among them. The first model depicts the structure and involved parties and the second model portrays several aspects common to the operation of Art Investment Funds. These models were compared on similarities and differences to Traditional Investment Funds. Findings show that for the operation of Art Investment Funds many more parties and aspects are involved. Furthermore, a case study was executed in order to test the two models for reliability and applicability. Subsequently, a model on involved parties regarding the case was generated which showed many similarities to the first model formed in the data analysis. Although this research provides one step forward in increasing transparency regarding the world of Art Investment Funds, there are many aspects still left to research, such as the effect of tax regulations and the possible factors for success

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Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship , Master Arts, Culture & Society
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Maijs, F.G.M. (2012, August 30). The curious case of Art Investment Funds. Master Arts, Culture & Society. Retrieved from