In 2003 Chima et al. published a review on the economic impact of malaria to sub-Saharan African households. Since then several initiatives such as the Roll Back Malaria program and the Affordable Medicines Facility malaria have been initiated. In addition many new studies have been conducted in this field. Now the question has arisen whether these initiatives have led to a decrease in the burden of uncomplicated malaria treatment to sub-Saharan African households. To address this question, this thesis reviews available scientific literature from 2003 to September 2012, related to the household burden of uncomplicated malaria treatment in sub-Saharan Africa, and draws conclusions on future policy making and future research initiatives.

Kippersluis, H. van, Niens, L.M.
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Jeu, M. de. (2012, December 21). The household burden of uncomplicated malaria treatment in sub-Saharan Africa. Business Economics. Retrieved from