This research paper focuses on innovations by organisations in the magazine market and the consumer demand in the changing media landscape. Sub domain is the fashion area. The theoretical framework is mostly based on the innovation theory by Rogers (2003), types of innovation by Küng (2008) and the different roles of users by Slot & Ruhe (2011). Innovation provides the opportunity to respond to the changing strategic environment, and to develop an effective business model. Besides the possibilities that innovations provide, it also brings risks and high investments. Three media companies have been selected in this research paper within the magazine market: Hearst Magazines, Telegraaf Media Group and Condé Nast. Hearst Magazines introduced a HTML5 website for GoodHousekeeping and integrated e-commerce at fashion websites. Telegraaf Media Group had acquired the Dutch social network Hyves in to their portfolio and Condé Nast combined print with digital media through the implementation of 2D-tags in print. The analyzed cases provide insights into the way producers in the magazine market adapt their strategy to the changing media landscape and whether these innovations are successful. The most relevant results of these case study’s are the business models of all of the analyzed organisations; they no longer depend on one medium type, but are based on websites, digital magazines, radio and television. Hearst Magazines shows that they are willing to adjust the organization’s strategy and structure and are looking for new markets. Condé Nast however is trying to improve their customer service and extend their current activities by the innovation: the cross-media mobilizing of existing offline and online products. Telegraaf Media Group is using their innovation to acquire a completely new competency in the field of social media, which will lead to radical changes in their existing strategy. The consumer section in this research paper is based on an online survey. Respondents in the survey were asked several questions about their use of media, their attitude towards innovations in the field of fashion and their activities at the several media. The goal of this part of the research was to obtain insight in media use, provide an indication of attitudes and roles of consumers in the field of fashion. The use of traditional media, as print, in the area of fashion is still mostly used, and thereafter digital media are used frequently. In addition, consumers are likely to have a reasonably neutral attitude towards innovations in the fashion area and mostly belong to the early majority. Finally the consumers adopt a mainly passive role by consuming diverse media. Organisations the magazine market need to approach the technological changes as an opportunity to create a multiplatform strategy in which magazine brands can reinforce themselves. Through innovation, new markets can be explored and the existing portfolio can be enhanced. In addition, also existing products and services can be changed to be able to match the consumer demand.

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Media & Journalistiek
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Wubben, S.C.M. (2012, August 31). De tijdschriftensector in een veranderend medialandschap. Media & Journalistiek. Retrieved from