In this research we examine whether individuals consider environmental issues in their consumption behavior and also identify characteristics which shape pro-environmental behavior in the three areas of food consumption, recycling, and transportation. We bring microeconomic consumer theory together with a wide range of characteristics and attitudes identified in socio-psychological texts including: general characteristics (e.g. sex, age), environmental knowledge/attitudes, social attitudes/norms, personal traits, political affiliations, and religious beliefs. In order to elicit consumers’ preferences we utilized choice experiment methodology to observe consumers’ behavior. We applied three choice experiments in the three areas of food consumption, recycling, and transportation choice through a web-based survey of a well-educated population, that is, one more likely to be informed about climate change. Our results show that individuals do not consider the pollution generated by food production when they decide between organic and non-organic food. However, they do consider the environmental impact when they make decision regarding recycling (vs. not-recycling), and for transportation choice. Moreover, the determining factors of pro-environmental behavior are not only general characteristics, but also environmental, social and political attitudes. Relevance to Development Studies Sustainable development is introduced and defined by Brundtland World Commission on Environment and Development in 1987 as “development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” (Cited by Marrewijk 2003) Greenhouse gas emissions which could lead to climate change might be a threat for sustainable development. Household consumption has a considerable weight in GHS emission. While consumers’ choices can influence pollution level, studies on pro-environment consumption behaviour could suggest ways to make sustainable development accessible. In this research, we focus on personal motivation aspect of proenvironment consumption behaviour. Identification of characteristics that shape pro-environment consumption, bring new insights to policy design for environment.

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Bedi, Arjun S.
Economics of Development (ECD)
International Institute of Social Studies

Zarepour, Z. (2012, December 14). Attitudes and Pro-environmental Consumption Behaviour : An Application of a Choice Experiment in the Netherlands. Economics of Development (ECD). Retrieved from