This research is about the effects on different shortest path algorithms of including several kinds of practical information. This practical information either concerns road network properties, like route types, or time dependent information, like traffic or weather information. Five algorithms are tested for this purpose: Dijkstra’s algorithm, A_, ALT, CH, and CHALT. It turns out that for including road network properties CH, CHALT or ALT is the best to use, depending on de number of route requests. If time dependent information is also considered, the computation times for all algorithms increase. However, the computation times for CH and CHALT increase more than for the other algorithms, therefore ALT is considered to be the best algorithm for including practical information.

, ,
Huisman, D.
Erasmus School of Economics

Zeijl, N.A. van. (2013, February 11). Including practical information in route planning applications. Econometrie. Retrieved from