Though many researchers have focused on entrepreneurship education, little research has been conducted on the precise effects and overall effectiveness of the entrepreneurship education programs. Drawing on the theory of planned behavior, this study investigates the impact of entrepreneurship programs on the entrepreneurial intention of students in higher education in the Netherlands. Data for this study is drawn from GUESSS (an international project investigating the entrepreneurial spirit of students worldwide). The results show that participants of entrepreneurship education programs are more likely to have higher intention (right or five years after their studies have been completed) to found their own businesses compared to non- participants. Furthermore, attitude toward entrepreneurship, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control mediate the aforementioned relationship. The findings of this report contribute both to the Theory of Planned Behavior and to the field of entrepreneurship education.

, , , ,
Thurik, A.R.
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Karali, S. (2013, March 15). The impact of Entrepreneurschip education on entrepreneurial intentions. Business Economics. Retrieved from