In this thesis the drivers and characteristics of sustainable entrepreneurs were compared to the drivers and characteristics of traditional entrepreneurs. Differences are pointed out and explained using existing literature concerning sustainable entrepreneurship, human capital theory and the social capital theory. For this research novel data from the GEM-survey 2009 special topic: ‘social entrepreneurship activity’ has been used, the first dataset that allows for a quantitative detailed empirical analysis of individual drivers and antecedents of sustainable entrepreneurship. Based on previous literature two approaches were used in order to find and categorize possible differences; the human capital theory and the social capital theory. Following the human capital theory indicators for knowledge and experience were included in the empirical model. For social capital indicators concerning bonding and bridging social capital were included. A positive effect of human capital on the probability of being a sustainable entrepreneur could only partly be proven. Furthermore, the positive influence of social capital could not be proven in the empirical research. Overall, the results of the empirical analysis prove the existence of significant differences between sustainable and traditional entrepreneurs in this (preliminary) research. These results contribute to the existing literature concerning empirical research on sustainable entrepreneurship and suggest further exploration and research in more detail by researchers in this field.

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Hoogendoorn, B.
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Vonck, S. (2013, July 15). An analysis of differences between sustainable and traditional entrepreneurs. Business Economics. Retrieved from