In this paper I will extend the research of Cohen and Frazzini (2008) and Ferment et al. (2013) and analyze supply chain predictability in the period 2005 - 2013. Cohen and Frazzini (2008) showed prove for an anomaly contrasting the ecient market hypothesis, caused by in- vestor inattention. Using portfolios constructed by customer performance I will demonstrate that the anamoly described by Cohen and Frazzini is still existant and makes it possible for a self-nancing portfolio to realize excess returns. I will show that although the anomaly is still prevalent, the signicance has diminished over time. I will make use of equal weighted as well as value weighted portfolios. Additionally, I will analyze weekly stockdata as an extension on the regularly used monthly time interval, and show that this does not improve the signicance of the results. I will also demonstrate that the use of a moving window suggests the anomaly is not diminishing, and that the use of deciles instead of quintiles yields improved results.

Ozturk, S.
Erasmus School of Economics

Ferment, F.P. (2013, July 7). Analysis of recent changes in supply chain link predictability. Econometrie. Retrieved from