By the end of 2011 there were 6 billion mobile subscriptions the International Telecommunication Union (2011) estimated which is equivalent to 87 percent of the world population. In 2010 there were 5.4 billion subscriptions and in 2009 4.7 billion. In the developed countries mobile phone subscriptions reached a saturation point with at least one cell phone subscription per person. This means that market growth has shifted to the developing countries, notably to China and India, the world's most densely populated nations. Now that the popularity and adoption of the mobile phone is this huge all brands are developing their phones rapidly. The latest popular trend in the sector is the smartphone: a phone with computer functions including e-mailing, browsing, music playing. The number of smartphones used worldwide has now reached the 1 billion mark. With the 6 billion mobile subscriptions by the end of 2011 global smartphone penetration is estimated at 16.7 percent (

Hofstra, Drs N.
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Zwijnenburg, S. (2013, June 21). Getting favorable consumer attitudes by branding via a smartphone application. Business Economics. Retrieved from