The ways that individuals process information are different across people. When they face a certain kind of product information format, they usually have different reactions; it can even affect their ability to recall the content. In this study relationship among product information presentation format, cognitive style (visualizer and verbalizer in precise), involvement level is examined. Order effect and size effect are expected for word clouds and list of statements (information presentation format). Also size, order and cognitive styles are considered to influence recall rate that is intervened by involvement level. As a result, it was found that the both size effect and order effect are partially supported. However the outcome effect of cognitive style on recall rate did not match as was predicted, moreover involvement level did not show any effects except for the dimension of hedonic value, it somehow has negative relationship with the recall rate when the product investigated was hotel.

Donkers, Prof.Dr. A.C.D.
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Lu, Xiaolin. (2013, August 16). Effect of Cognitive Style and Involvement Level on Recall Different Product Information. Business Economics. Retrieved from