Social media treats all users the same. It does not distinguish your best friend or a friend you have not seen for a few years. In the offline and online world tie strength is already perceived by receivers as more influential in decision making (Word- of – Mouth). This research aims to investigate if this phenomenon also consists on social media, focused on Facebook. Furthermore, the thesis discusses the impact of Facebook behavior, product involvement, product attitude and income on purchase intention. My work bridges the gap between theory and practice. A conceptual framework is provided that maps the predictors of purchase intention. A self-administered survey was completed by sample of 157 Facebook users. This thesis shows that tie strength, attitude towards the product and Facebook behavior affects the purchase intention of a particular product. Although variables like income and product class play a little role, Facebook activity, attitude towards the product and tie strength significantly affects the consumer purchase intention.

Jong, Prof.dr. M.G. de
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Oosthoek, Arian. (2013, August 22). What is the impact of Facebook tie strength and behavior on purchase intention?. Business Economics. Retrieved from