Zero has always had a special place in human history. It all begun in Babylonia around 450 B.C. when people started to realize they needed something to clarify bigger numbers. The oldest known text to a decimal positional system used, including zero, is a Jain text from India called Lokavibhaaga, from 458 AD. This text uses Sanskrit words as numeric digits, with the Sanskrit word for ‘void’ for zero. (Kaplan, 2000) Talking about zero, is always talking in extremeness. It is zero or it is bigger than zero. Zero can be a good thing. Like in medicines, when the doctor find zero traces of cancer or any other disease. Zero can be a bad thing. Like is sports, when you have zero points the chances are big you are losing. In school it depends on what word is behind zero. Zero point is not so good, zero faults is the best thing.