This research adds to the knowledge surrounding post-­‐acquisition integration processes. In this research focus is upon the specific case where a relatively small organisation acquires a large organisation and starts a complete integration. What is the exact influence of this difference in size on the integration process? Existing research focussed upon acquisitions and integrations for decades, the influence of company size is underexposed up until now. Literature states four concepts as most important factors of influence on integration. First is the organisational fit, second is the strategic fit, third is the cultural fit and last is the identity factor.

René Olie, Job Hoogendoorn
Strategisch Management & Strategische Vernieuwing
RSM: Parttime Master Bedrijfskunde

Gusti van der Nat. (2013, June 26). Small incorporates large. Strategisch Management & Strategische Vernieuwing. Retrieved from