Much has been written about what Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is and why it is important. However, how to bring CSR to the core of business activities proves to be far less obvious. Since core business activities is a catch-all concept, organisational routines has been chosen to study the impact of CSR. This resulted in the following main research question: How does the ambition to turn CSR from a peripheral activity into a core business activity change organisational routines? This multiple case study includes five companies: Princes, Eastman Chemical, Unilever, Tetra Pak and Farm Frites.

Frank Wijen, Maarten Dirks
Strategisch Management & Strategische Vernieuwing
RSM: Parttime Master Bedrijfskunde

Jon van den Bremen. (2011, September 27). Sustainable at heart: Corporate Social Responsibility as a routine. Strategisch Management & Strategische Vernieuwing. Retrieved from