Meillassouxs After Finitude, as commendable and praiseworthy this work may be, indeed escapes the correlational circle by absolutizing ‘facticity’ into ‘factuality’, but also falls into the trap of the onto-theo-logical structure of metaphysics. Non-contradiction, as speculative essence of the super-chaos, becomes the ultimate principle in Meillassouxs thought, as it constitutes the contingency of being and nothingness as contingent states within the super-chaos, and negates the possibility of a necessary being. However, we find that non-contradiction itself becomes necessary, because the super-chaos can only be contingent, by the grace of the principle of non-contradiction. Whereas in Heideggers thought being is ‘transcendens schlechthin’, for Meillassoux logic becomes fundamental and the principle of non-contradiction ‘transcendens schlechthin’. The principle of non-contradiction is claimed to be valid, whether reality exists, or not. Meillassoux fails to realize that being itself has to be fundamental, because the contingency of every possible being cannot be anything whatsoever, without being something, even in nothingness, because every contingent state can only be contingent because of radical contingency, which according to Meillassoux absolutely ‘is’, as only contingency itself can be called necessary. The ontic possibilities in the super-chaos: capacity-to-be, capacity-not-to-be and capacity-to-be-other, always entail being. It remains to be seen whether Speculative Materialism is capable of a noncorrelational approach of what is and must be, without ushering in a new dawn of the onto-theo-logical pitfalls of metaphysics.

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Dr. S. van Tuinen
Erasmus School of Philosophy

D.M.A. Prins. (2013, August 30). Quentin Meillassoux & de contingentie van de noodzakelijkheid van de contingentie. Retrieved from