In recent years, the experience in cultural tourism is becoming increasingly attractive. More and more tourists seek for a memorable experience in cultural tourism. In China, the tourist-oriented theater which is a new form of cultural tourism offers an additional choice for visitors to relax themselves or understand the indigenous culture. The creation of experiential elements matters a lot to tourist-oriented theaters. This kind of theaters has stage performances designed especially for tourists. Many of them have gained reputations and economic benefits as well. The Mengbalanaxi Theater in Yunnan Province is one of the most successful tourist-oriented theaters in China, but it is uncertain whether the theater is good enough to satisfy its consumers. In this case, this thesis will analyze the perspective of consumers on tourist-oriented theaters, as well as the factors affecting the consumer satisfaction. To test the influential factors of consumer satisfaction, an empirical research was conducted in 2013 in the Mengbalanaxi Theater in the South of China. The empirical research in the Mengbalanaxi Theater was done by a quantitative method. The questionnaires for the research were distributed and collected in May 2013. It was assumed that expectation, consumption behaviors, social-demographic characteristics of respondents, artistic quality of the show and peripheral services are all possible factors of affecting satisfaction. However, the findings show that only three variables including expectation, educational level of consumers and artistic quality of the show have statistically significance with the customer satisfaction in the theater. For the development of tourist-oriented theaters, it is important to know how to satisfy their consumers. It is suggested that tourist-oriented theaters should improve their artistic quality of performances for satisfying the audiences.

, , , , , ,
Dekker, E
Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship , Master Arts, Culture & Society
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Zhu, X. (2013, August 30). Consumption Experience in Tourist-oriented Theaters. Master Arts, Culture & Society. Retrieved from