The main objective of the study is to discursively analyze how the official dis-course prevents the establishment of gender equality through the production of meaning. I argue that the official discourse of the Bolivarian Project con-structs gender relations that maintain a gendered hierarchy, preventing true gender equality. The theoretical framework that I apply is a social construction and postmodern feminist perspective, as well as Connell’s (1990) theory of the state as a gender regime. Critical Discourse Analysis is used as the methodolo-gy, along with some aspects of Feminist Discourse Analysis, to study the oral speeches performed by Hugo Chavez, the former President of Venezuela. Through the application of a detailed analysis table, several contradictory dis-courses are revealed. There is confusion within the official discourse about what gender equality truly means. Through these discourses, a gendered society is maintained. In effect, the production of gender equality meanings through the official discourse blocks the full transformation that is needed to achieve a comprehensive gender approach to developments.

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Heumann, Silke
Social Justice Perspectives (SJP)
International Institute of Social Studies

Barragan, Eliana Alicia. (2013, December 13). What Does Gender Equality Mean? Deep Confusion within the Discourse of the Bolivarian Project of Venezuela. Social Justice Perspectives (SJP). Retrieved from