The study is about the right to work and unemployment of the youth the sub-urbs of Kampala, the capital of Uganda. The study is aimed at finding out the challenges that are faced by the youth in trying to come out of unemployment. It is also aimed at establishing the strategies of young people in trying to move out of unemployment; and examining what these strategies suggest about the respect of the right to work as a realistic objective. The methods used for data collection were both quantitative and qualitative and these included questionnaires and interviews. The challenges facing the youths in the labour market not only the inability to find work of their choice but the inability to be employed in the formal sector due to employers’ perceptions that the youth lack experience and the skills. And for the youth who are lucky to work are in a precarious job situations. Field study also notes that most youths have opted for informal activities as the means of survival. In helping to curb down the number of unemployed youths, the government of the country has introduced policies like the youth venture capital fund, which upon assessing its likely effectiveness is said to increase informalities in the country. Given their characteristics like unprotected workers and unregulated activities among others, informalities could resort to human insecurities in the labour market. In finding solutions to an issue, however, it is recommended to opt for measures that would enhance development without human violation.

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Pegler, Lee
Social Justice Perspectives (SJP)
International Institute of Social Studies

Nabawesi, Florence. (2013, December 13). The Right to Work and Unemployment of the Youth in the Suburbs of Kampala. Social Justice Perspectives (SJP). Retrieved from