Both numerically and symbolically, rock music has a white audience, edging out non-whites from participating. Music genres often reflect ethno-racial groups, but why this is so and how this works has remained largely unstudied. Professional and consumer reviewing practices are a prime location for the formation of rock music’s symbolic boundaries. Hence, based on a quantitative and qualitative analysis of 385 rock album reviews, this article investigates (i) to what extent ethno-racial boundaries are (re)produced or contested in the critical reception of rock music in the United States between 2003 and 2013, and (ii) to what extent (semi-)professional reviewers and consumer-reviewers differ from each other regarding ethno-racial classifications in their reception of rock music. I find that albums by non-white artists receive lower evaluations than those by white artists, particularly when reviewed by lay critics. Although both types of reviewers often ignore talking about race – echoing a color-blind ideology – (semi-)professional critics are more explicit and color-conscious regarding non-white participation in rock music. Furthermore, five different mechanisms are used by reviewers as a part of ethno-racial boundary work: (i) ethno-racial comparisons, (ii) inter-genre comparisons, (iii) positive ethno-racial marking, (iv) negative ethno-racial marking and (v) minimization.

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Eijck, C.J.M. van, Berkers, P.P.L.
Sociology of Culture, Media and the Arts
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Schaap, J.C.F. (2013, August 26). Just like Hendrix. Sociology of Culture, Media and the Arts. Retrieved from