This study explores the motives and effects of decentralized and centralized recruitment system practiced by Tanzanian government in recruiting and allocating local government staff practiced in different period of time. Following the adoption of Decentralization by Devolution (D by D) policy 1998 and government desire to improve performance of local government staff, Tanzanian government decentralized recruitment process to local government authorities in which LGAs were given responsibility to recruitment their own staff for the purpose of improving service delivery. Decentralized system failed to deliver the intended results as the results government took the responsibility back to central government in 2009. However, despite the shift of the task to the centre, there are some complaints regarding the under performance of the new system that related to delay in filling vacant positions, recruitments of unqualified staff and employee allocation problems. The study used a case study approach to examine people’s opinions on the shifts of the two systems and their effects in recruitment and distribution of Public servants among Local Government Authorities (LGAs). Two LGAs in Morogoro region were selected to examine the two systems. The analysis and conclusion in the paper is largely based on the respondents’ views gathered during field work.

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Governance, Policy and Political Economy (GPPE)
International Institute of Social Studies

Njovu, Felister Bruno, & Tankha, Sunil. (2013, December 13). Experience of Decentralized and Centralized Recruitment Systems in Local Government Authorities of Tanzania: A Case Study of Two Local Government Authorities in Morogoro Region. Governance, Policy and Political Economy (GPPE). Retrieved from