This study researched Disney fans and their interaction with the Disney media in their everyday lives. The aim was to find out through which channels do Disney fans have contact with Disney and how often do they interact with the Disney media. Media as practice apporach was taken to investigate the connection between the fans and the media. Also, corporate identity and globalisation were set as one of the key concepts besides media, fan audiences and Disney. Additionally, the perception and to some level the influence of Disney was examined. In-depth interviews and deductive analysis were used to gather and analyse the data. The results of this research found that the Disney fans interact with the Disney media at least on a montly basis, often more. The influence of Disney, in the eyes of the fans, was rather minimal but in every case positive. Furthermore, the results showed that Disney has managed to create an image and reputation so strong, that fans from different backgrounds perceive it the same way.

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Dhaenens, F.F.O
Media, Culture & Society
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Vahuri, J. (2013, August 29). Media as Practice Approach to the Disney Media and its Fan Audiences. Media, Culture & Society. Retrieved from