This qualitative study sought to identify and understand the ways that expatriates living in the Netherlands use social networking sites (SNS) and other online platforms during the adjustment and integration process. Grounded in the Sense of Community (SOC) theory, the study incorporated semi-structured interviews with 12 expatriates who originated from countries outside of the European Union (EU). Not only was the goal of the study to identify the ways that expatriates use SNSs, it also sought to understand the perceived influence such use had on adjustment and integration. The study investigated five distinct areas of interest: the use of SNS to meet and socialize with others; meeting others who share common interests; maintaining social connections with those in the host country; developing and maintaining friendships with colleagues; and using various platforms to acculturate. The study revealed interesting results. First, it was discovered that many participants have used various virtual communities to meet and interact with others. Furthermore, many participants reported developing friendships as a result of such use. In many cases, developing these friendships has positively influenced adjustment. Second, while many participants reported having hobbies and interests, only a few reported using SNS and virtual communities to meet others who share their interests. However, many participants reported being partial to meeting and befriending others who share their nationality. These participants felt that engaging in such interaction positively influenced adjustment. Third, many reported that using SNSs and other online communicative platforms played a particularly important role during the adjustment and integration process. Fourth, it was discovered that many participants actively meet and socialize with colleagues in settings outside of the work environment. Many of these events are planned via virtual communities and were found to positively influence adjustment. Finally, for some participants, the use of SNSs and different online platforms was found to be highly beneficial during acculturation.

, , , , , , , , , , , ,
Mao, Y
Media & Business
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Theemling, R.C. (2013, August 29). Online Social Media and Expatriate Adjustment. Media & Business. Retrieved from