For the last two decades, the notion of nation branding has received abundant attention among academia and practitioners. The consequence concerning the former mentioned group has resulted in an increase in the amount of academic publications, while the interest generated by the second group implies concrete promotional material broadcasted by countries in order to (re)brand themselves. One country that jumped on the nation branding bandwagon is India. In 2002, the Indian government initiated a multimillion dollar nation branding endeavour which received the name ‘Incredible India’. This particular research study replies to a call from Kerrigan et al. (2009), who conducted a research on the notion of nation branding in light of the ‘Incredible India’ campaign. As a consequence, the researcher of this study answers this call by focusing on the international variant of the second phase of India’s branding journey. Nine video clips were selected and presented to sixteen participants. Consequently, a dialogue was created in which questions were posed about various content related elements. In conclusion, it can be noted that this research study has been conducted to illustrate and elaborate on the relationship among identity, nation branding and image. The result of this relationship is inextricably linked to reputation management. Since the domain of nation branding recently stepped out of its infant shoes, the researcher of this study desired to outline this particular relationship. Moreover, investigating the multimedia material tailor made for this nation branding endeavour is an incredible voyage on its own.

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Augé, E.F.
Media & Business
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Balgobind, S.V. (2013, August 29). An incredible investigation. Media & Business. Retrieved from