Following the 2008 economic crisis, consumer trust has significantly declined across many industries—with exception of the information technology (IT) sector. This provokes a number of interesting questions: is consumer perception of corporate behavior undergoing change? And if so, why does this—seemingly—not apply to the IT industry? By drawing on data from three in-depth focus group sessions, the author interrogates European consumer perceptions and attitudes regarding corporate social responsibility in the IT sector. Fundamentally, the thesis attempts to answer three key questions: (1) how do European consumers feel about CSR? (2) How do they view the behavior of IT companies? And (3), what, if any, is the difference in European consumer perception of CSR in the IT sector compared to other industries?

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Chaudhri, V.
Media & Business
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Bartscht, M. (2013, August 29). Corporate social responsibility in the information technology sector. Media & Business. Retrieved from