This research takes on the attention-based view as a research paradigm within the theme of post-acquisition integration in order to discover how the attention and focus of middle management affects how they coordinate and use incentives during a busy phase of integration. An individual is never able to oversee everything around him and therefore certain issues, challenges or projects get the attention above others (Simon, 1957). Therefore organizations assign specific jobs and tasks to their employees which makes coordination a necessary activity. Additionally organizations make sure their organizational members will adapt their decisions to the organization objectives by use of incentives. Neither has there been much research in which the attention-based view is combined with post-acquisition integration, nor including the specific role of middle management.

Dr. F. Wijen, Dr. T.H. Reus
Strategisch Management & Strategische Vernieuwing
RSM: Parttime Master Bedrijfskunde

Maartje van Tongeren. (2011, September 20). An attention-based view on post-acquisition integration success. Strategisch Management & Strategische Vernieuwing. Retrieved from