This research analyzed the impact of vertical integration of deep sea actors on the performance of the container barge transport sector in the Netherlands. Based on academic literature, the most important factors influencing the performance of container barge transport are identified. The literature review showed that it is unclear in which way the container barge network will develop itself after the opening of the Maasvlakte II. It is expected that new service network types will emerge in near future. Therefore, a scenario analysis by means of a simulation tool has been conducted during this research. The model is applied to the hinterland of the Port of Rotterdam. Based on reports of workshops with market parties, different cooperation schemes are identified. This research found that the bundling of container flows is advantageous for the container barge transport sector in the Netherlands. The cost savings in a line network are larger than in a hub-spoke concept, because of the additional handling costs. Through bundling, the number of stops in the Port of Rotterdam can be limited and because of that, a more attractive barge product can be offered to shippers. The bundling effect is larger for small inland terminals in the Netherlands which suggest that there is a relation between the size of an inland terminal and the cost effectiveness of bundling. This research also showed that the vertical integration of deep sea actors could be harmful for inland terminal operators in the Netherlands, especially for small inland terminals offering a point-to-point service to the Port of Rotterdam. However, hardly any price effect can be observed when inland terminal operators offer a joint liner service to the Port of Rotterdam. This suggests that cooperation offers inland terminal operators the opportunity to deal with the increasing involvement of deep sea actors in container barge transport. This thesis concludes by discussing a potential future development strategy for inland terminal operators in the Netherlands.

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Horst, M.R. van der
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Staalduinen, N. van. (2014, February 7). The future challenge for inland terminal operators in the Netherlands:. Business Economics. Retrieved from