The number of Dutch hbo-graduates increased from approximately 60.000 per year in 2000 to 68.000 per year in 2010. Recently, Dutch popular media reported that more and more hbo-graduates are work- ing in mbo-level jobs: overeducation thus seems to be an increasing phenomenon among Dutch hbo-graduates. In this paper we focus on the economic eects of overeducation, our research question is twofold: 1) What is the extent of overeducation, that is, the dierence in wages earned by hbo-graduates in jobs at and below their education level? 2) How did this wage dierential develop over time and how can we explain this development? We nd that there is a large wage penalty to being overeducated: from 17 up to 37 percentage points. A sub- stantial part of this wage penalty can be explained by the fact that overeducated hbo-graduates are truly overskilled for their (temporary) job. The incidence of overeducation among hbo-graduates increased over time and we nd the same increasing trend for the wage penalty to being overeducated. We nd evidence that there is an oversupply of hbo-graduates in the short run: overeducated hbo-graduates are work- ing in increasingly `bad' jobs, but labor market frictions also play an important role in explaining the increasing trend in the wage penalty.

Zubanov, N.
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Groenenberg, D. (2013, December 31). Overeducation among Dutch Higher Vocational Education Graduates and Its Consequences for their Wages. Business Economics. Retrieved from