This research focused on the effects of slow steaming from a shippers’ perspective, and on the alternative strategies that they might implement, in response to speed reductions. Taking into consideration the longer transit times and the increasing unreliable services that shippers face due to the increasingly applied slow steaming practices (Containerization International, 2012; Containerization International, 2013; Nieuwsblad transport, 2012; Review of maritime transport 2010), the potential of a modal shift is questioned. The modal shift concept per se is discussed, and the factors that exert an influence on shippers’ transport mode choice decision are identified Parallel to the desk research, interviews with relevant stakeholders conducted providing the research with practical insights. The China-Europe trade route selected for the case study analysis. This research investigated two alternative transport services on the China-Europe route; the Eurasian railway connection and a sea-air combined transport, both emerged from literature studied and interviews. Transport data collected from the ETISplus database analyzed, providing an overview of the freight flows between China and Europe

, , , , , , ,
Kuipers, B.
Business Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Karampampa, I.Ch. (2014, June 24). THE IMPACT OF SLOW STEAMING ON SHIPPERS AND ON THEIR SUPPLY CHAINS:. Business Economics. Retrieved from