This research explores the effects of privatization policy on performance of St. Balikuddembe market in Uganda; notably the paper considers three main aspects as the guiding principles in the privatisation process of the market. These principles entail; an open and democratic tendering process, adherence to effective institutional frameworks and lastly effective service delivery. Despite the privatization objective of promoting efficiency and effective service delivery, the analysis indicates various hitches that were encountered as a result of irregularities in the tendering process. The study links the stated irregularities with limited yet weak institutional frameworks lacking operational guidelines to re-enforce quality services by the private contractors of St. Balikuddembe. The study portrays different opinions among the market stakeholders (Kampala Capital City Authority, Private entities and the market vendors) thus suggesting for an institutionalization process that would set clear mandates and functions for the relevant actors to perform their duties effectively.

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Wagner, Natascha
Economics of Development (ECD)
International Institute of Social Studies

Abesiga, Ruth. (2014, December 12). The Effects of Privatisation Policy on Markets Performance in Uganda: A Case Study of St. Balikuddembe Market. Economics of Development (ECD). Retrieved from